Expressing and storing breast milk fa c t s h e e t learning how to express breast milk is an important skill for parents to learn. You might want to express your breastmilk because your breasts feel swollen or engorged or because you want to have some breastmilk stored in the fridge or freezer for using at a later time. If you cant be with your baby at feeding time, you can collect your milk in advance by using hand expression or a breast pump. Why and when to pump to soften your breasts if your baby is having trouble latching on. Mothers may express for their sick or premature baby, to build their 5 tips to help you express breastmilk. Remember that when a baby breastfeeds, milk doesnt flow immediately, so its normal for it to take a little time for milk to start flowing when you express. Expressing and storing your milk national childbirth trust. If you washed your hands with cold water, let them warm up before touching your breasts. So teach a mother how to hand express on the first or second day. Using a pump to express some women find it easier to use a pump. Cool breastmilk in the fridge before adding it to other chilled or frozen breastmilk. Sometimes it can be necessary to use a breastpump, for instance when the newborn baby only sucks very weakly from the breast so that milk production is not adequately stimulated. At some point, you may need to hand express your breastmilk in place of a full feeding or to establish.
Whichever pumping technique you use, make sure you take extra care to keep the expressed breastmilk in a safe and clean place. Its usually a good idea to find a warm, quiet, comfortable place and to relax and be free from disturbances. If you want to store it for future use, make sure you remember these storage guidelines. Get the lowdown on pumping and expressing your breastmilk.
Various factors will influence the method of expression a mother uses. Expressing and storing breastmilk this leaflet provides information on expressing and storing your. In the first few days, it is normal to see only a few drops during hand expression. Some mothers prefer hand expression instead of using a breast pump. Many mothers will express breastmilk at some stage during breastfeeding. Mothers should be coached on how to express breast milk as a means of maintaining lactation in the event of their being separated temporarily from their infants. From the focus group discussions, four main themes on expressing breastmilk emerged. It is quite common for mothers to feed their baby using their expressed breastmilk. It is also important to maintain a mothers milk supply during separation and make milk available for someone else to feed the baby. Expressing and storing breastmilk bfn leaflet home breastfeeding resources expressing and storing breastmilk bfn leaflet this leaflet for mothers on expressing and storing breastmilk, based on the latest evidence about safe storage, is available from the breastfeeding network.
Babies can overfeed from a bottle even when only breastmilk is used. Accommodating breastfeeding employees in the workplace. Breastmilk can be expressed by hand, or with a manual or electric breast pump. Expressing and storing breastmilk baby brands direct. There may be times where you need to express your milk such as when you return to work, your baby was born prematurely or is unwell, is unable to suck well, is away from you, or if your breasts are too full. How much you need to express depends on your reason for expressing. Yes, many mums find that its worth the effort to express milk.
There may also be times when you need to be away from your baby whilst still. Aug 03, 2015 this feature is not available right now. Secondly your baby might prefer the bottle and reject the breast. It can also help relieve pressure from a blocked duct or mastitis.
Expressing and storing breastmilk queensland health. How to express breastmilk breastfeeding series youtube. It will help to keep your milk supply up, and your baby will keep getting all of the benefits of breastmilk, even when youre apart. This page includes information about expressing, storing, cleaning equipment, transporting and preparing expressed breastmilk for your baby. S to relieve breast fullness in conditions like engorged. Massaging your breasts with your hands can get milk moving.
Effect of warm breastshields on breast milk pumping warm breastshields decreased the time to remove 80% of available milk and removed more milk at 5 and 10 minutes taking advantage of milk ejection reflex overall milk volume pumped was comparable at 15 minutes breastshields kept in a water bath practical. This special milk is full of nutrients and antibodies for your baby. Pumping and expressing breastmilk babycenter australia. As you continue to express breast milk at work, monitor how much you are producing. Neither does it require an employer to provide facilities to breastfeed or express milk, however see frequently asked questions on page 9. Wash your hands before expressing or handling breast milk. The efforts of jane heinig, phd, ibclc, rlc, deborah galuska, phd, diana toomer, barbara latham, rd, ld, carol macgowan, mph, rd, ld, robin hamre, mph, rd, and members of the cdc obesity team helped make this document possible. You have been given this leaflet because you have been advised to express your breastmilk for your baby. You should get the same amount of milk no matter which method you choose.
In these cases, you may want to follow the marmet technique for manual expression of breastmilk. Facilities providing maternity and newborn services should enable mothers and their infants to remain together and to practice roomingin throughout the day and night. Breastfeeding protects against diarrhoea and common childhood illnesses such as pneumonia, and may also have longerterm health benefits for the mother and child, such as reducing the risk of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence. Hand expression can be used in place of a pump for a few reasons. Ml009107 breast milk expression and storage pdf scdhec. Hand expression is a useful tool that every mother should learn and has been shown to produce more milk than using just a pump. This booklet concentrates on expressing and storing for healthy, fullterm babies, although a lot of what we say applies to other situations too. Expressing your breast milk you can express or massage milk out of your breasts using your hands or a breast pump. Expressing and storing breastmilk bfn leaflet baby.
Expressing means your baby can have breastmilk even when you are not. Some women choose to express breast milk by hand this can be done almost anywhere so its a convenient way to get some comfort and relief if your breasts are too full and your baby is having trouble latching on, or if youre collecting milk to feed your baby later. If using a pump, inspect the pump kit and tubing to make sure it is clean. There are many reasons mothers express their breastmilk. Expressing and storing your milk when away from your baby or returning to work contents 4. You can express breastmilk by hand or by using a breast pump. If you wish to keep a personal copy, copy the answers onto the form in your manual. It is easy for babies who are premature or sick to digest and is full of living properties that help to protect your baby from infection. Expressing and storing breastmilk the breastfeeding network. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, milk expression by hand is a useful technique to learn. Some electric pumps allow you to express both breasts at the same time. When watching manual expression, the correct milking motion is. Its easier to express if you feel relaxed and comfortable.
You would do this if you are separated from your baby for any reason. Workplace breastfeeding rights in new jersey can an employer discriminate against me at work if i am a breastfeeding parent or if i choose to express milk at work. Expressing, collecting, and storing of human milk introduction it is important for all mothers and their support person to be taught how to express, store, and handle human milk. The baby needs extra breast milk as a topup feed following a breastfeed. Firstly, it was perceived that the baby has a right to feed directly from the breast, secondly was the lack of knowledge and skills to express, store and give breastmilk, thirdly was a negative attitude towards expressed breastmilk, and lastly were traditional customs around expressing. Chinese, simplified mandarin dialect bilingual pdf health information translations chinese, traditional cantonese dialect. If by matter of preference or convenience, a breastfeeding employee would opt to express breastmilk breastfeed in an area other than the one specified above, she should be allowed for as. If you are going to be away from your baby when a feed is due, you may want to express breast milk. Write the date you expressed the breastmilk on the container.
This video shows how to hand express breast milk and how to safely store it for later use. We look at everything from which pumps to buy to storing breastmilk. Hand expressing is usually the best option in the early days when you have colostrum and before your milk comes in. You can hand express a little milk if your breasts are very full to help your baby attach or to tempt a sleepy baby to feed. The amount you can express may vary during the day, and is different for each mother. This article on expressing your milk provides information on expressing, storing your breast milk, and how to fit it in around breastfeeding how can i express and store breast milk. Expressing breast milk is when you use your hands or a breast pump to get the milk from your breasts. If soap and water are not available, use an alcoholbased hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Breastfeeding expressing breastmilk better health channel. The best time to express milk is after a feed, and the easiest time is in the morning. Some moms may not have access to or the money to pay for a breast pump. It decreases the amount of environmental pollution because feeding supplies bottles, nipples, cans, containers, packaging materials are not required. This handout may be copied and distributed without further permission, on the condition that it is not used in any context in which the who code on the marketing of breastmilk substitutes is violated. Expressing breastmilk may also help increase your milk supply.
It can be used to help release a blocked duct and to help you manage mastitis. Expressing breastmilk may also be used for other reasons, including. Expressing your milk by hand or with a pump helps you establish and maintain your milk production if youre separated from your baby or if he isnt breastfeeding well. Hand expression or manual expression of breast milk is the removal of milk from the breast using a massage and compression technique. It is a good idea for all mothers to learn how to express their breastmilk, so that they. When you remove milk from your breasts either by breastfeeding or expressing, you are telling your body to make more milk. If you are considering expressing breast milk and feeding it to baby in a bottle, the best advice would be to establish breastfeeding first for most women it.
Some mothers express a little colostrum first milk, rich in carbohydrates, protein and antibodies into syringes to freeze. Expressing breastmilk is the act of removing milk from your breast, either by hand or using a manual or electric pump. Your hands should be washed before you attempt to hand express breast milk. Firstly and mainly as it would mean you would be going quite a long time without a feed and this could impact on your supply. Expressing milk by hand breastfeeding women have expressed removed milk by hand for generations. Best pumping and expression practices to maximize milk. Home infant feeding breastfeeding support expressing your breastmilk expressing milk means squeezing milk out of your breast so you can store it and feed it to your baby at a later time. Different ways to express breast milk and how to store it.
Breast milk is naturallyrenewable, does not waste resources or create pollution, and requires no packaging, shipping or disposal. Breastmilk must be collected and stored correctly to prevent the risk of bacterial growth. Knowledge of, and attitudes to giving expressed breastmilk. And if your milk production is low, expressing can help increase it whilst also providing extra milk to give to your baby. I want to do it because it would be nice to get a couple of hours. Is it worth the effort of expressing breastmilk at work. Switch back and forth between breasts as the flow slows to encourage further mers. Most manual breast pumps use either arm or hand action to create suction. Whether you use your hands or a pump is dependent on how long you have been breastfeeding, the reason you are expressing and how often you are going to express. The first milk you produce after your baby is born is called colostrum. Also, pumping may not express as much milk as a baby can get from a breastfeeding session if he is an effective. Expressing breastmilk is when you take milk out of your breast. If your young baby is not feeding at the breast, its usually recommended to pump at least 8 times in 24 hours.
Expressing your breastmilk your breastmilk is the best milk for your baby. Expressing and storing breastmilk this could be because. Storing breastmilk for home use store freshly expressed breastmilk in a clean, closable container. Express as often as your baby would normally feed, if possible. You might be thinking of returning to work, or study, or planning a night out. Just like any other skill, you have to learn how to do it and practice it to become good at it and get the best results. Most newborns have a very good feeding at the breast immediately after delivery and then sleep for several hours.
Express between feeds if you need to increase your milk volume. Although many mothers eventually use a breast pump to express milk, in the early days of breastfeeding it is very useful to know how to hand express. Expressing milk means squeezing milk out of your breast. You may also see it called responsive bottle feeding. Manual expression of breast milk marmet technique centracare. Hand expression technique michigan medicine university of.
Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant receives only breast milk. Hand expressing is a useful skill for all breastfeeding mothers to have whether they use it rarely or often. Suggestions on using an electric breast pump australian. This video has a good demonstration of hand expression of breastmilk. Expressing milk means removing milk from your breast other than when your baby is feeding. Mothers can express breast milk by hand or with a manual or electric pump.
Hand expression technique during the first few days after delivery, your breasts will produce colostrum. Diminished milk supply is a common problem for employed mothers and is most often the result of skipped pumping sessions or not pumping long enough. Expressing milk means squeezing milk out of your breast so you can store it and feed it to your baby later. Expressing breastmilk can relieve breast fullness, soften the breasts, and make it easier for the milk to flow. Expressing and storing breastmilk global health media project. Expressing and storing breast milk breastfed babies. I think ok to express from now for oneoff bottle but expressing now for regular bottle not a good idea. It also answers some frequently asked questions on this topic. This article on expressing your milk provides information on expressing, storing your breast milk, and how to fit it in around breastfeeding. Have a clean container ready to collect the breastmilk. Breast milk storage guidelines many mothers find it convenient or even necessary to collect their breast milk and store it to be used at a later time.
Employees fact sheet new jersey breastfeeding coalition. For more information on caring for a premature or sick baby, read breastfeeding your premature baby bliss, which is free for parents. To relieve breast fullnessengorgement to stimulate milk production. It you have arm or hand problems, you may find it easier to use an electric breast pump. The first couple times, you may only get enough milk to cover the bottom of the container. Express at least 8 times a day if your baby is not breastfeeding. If you want to know how to hand express breast milk, see step 1 to get started. Oh, im all in a pickle about this expressing business.
This report was prepared by alexa mcarthur, micah d j peters, zachary munn, wing hong chu. Youll certainly be encouraged to express breast milk if you have a premature or poorly baby whos not strong enough to breastfeed yet, so she can get all the benefits of breastmilk via a tube, and in order to maintain your supplies until shes ready to start trying. Expressing milk by hand can take a lot of practice, and you may want to enlist the help of a lactation consultant. Expressing breastmilk growing strong feeding you and your baby 7 department of health great state. With hand expression, you gently squeeze out or express your breast milk by hand. The easiest way to get comfortable handling your breasts is in the bath or shower you wont have to worry about leaking.
Pumping and hand expression basics wic breastfeeding. You can follow these steps to express breast milk by hand. There are several ways you can express breast milk. How to express breastmilk there are a couple of ways for moms to express their breastmilk. Expressing breast milk whether you are hand expressing or using a pump, it may take a few minutes for your milk to flow. Breastfeeding and pumping are different ways a person can give milk to a baby. You may need to express or pump breast milk to relieve engorgement, to increase your milk supply or to feed your baby breastmilk with a bottle. At times, your milk will come faster, then slower, then faster again. There are pros and cons to both, with feeding straight from the breast offering comfort to the baby, but some people.
Hand expression can boost your longterm milk supply, increasing the amount of breast milk you make for your baby and the duration of your breastfeeding relationship. The baby may not be able to suckle well at the breast. Study finds breast milk expressing in pregnancy safe the. If you express milk just before a feed, there may be less for the baby. Expressing and storing breastmilk australian breastfeeding.
Manual expression of breast milk marmet technique at some point, you may need to hand express your breastmilk in place of a full feeding or to establish, increase or maintain your milk supply when the baby cannot breastfeed. This page gives you some tips on how to hand express and store your breastmilk. A world first study has found that women with diabetes in a lowrisk pregnancy can safely express breast milk in late pregnancy, with the study dispelling concerns that the practice could cause harm to babies. Whatever be the case, you should know when and how you can express your milk manually using absolutely no tool but your hands and a container or bottle to store the expressed milk to further convince you, research has shown that hand expressing breast milk removes more milk than electric or manual pumps. Hand expression is convenient, free, and always available to provide breast milk to your baby, even in emergencies. If you are considering expressing breast milk and feeding it to baby in a bottle, the best advice would be to establish breastfeeding first for most women it takes 36 weeks to feel really at ease with. This allows breastfeeding parents to continue giving their baby breastmilk when they are away from the baby e. It helps to know how to express your milk, to empower you should you need to, either for comfort or to store to give to your baby later, to ensure he continues to receive the nutritional and health benefits of your breastmilk. A breastfeeding algorithm to guide bedside health care. You need to express your breastmilk from both breasts as often as you expect your baby to feed. Whether you use a manual or an electric pump will depend on what youre comfortable with, how often you need to express and how much milk you need to produce. For more information on expressing and storage of breastmilk see.
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